Thursday, 28 October 2010

Design Research Module- Themes ctd

Ok so I started with some very vague themes that as yet are not in a design context so I have been researching how I can link them. I have dropped censorship so I am now left with.


I think it is clear that I am interested in human psychology how then can this be applied to design?

ts not just people who wear a second skin it can also relate to objects in design. This idea as been explored in Trompe l'oeil, a style which has very much come back into contempory design of recent years.

I love how here the facade is actually a play on what is hidden.

Sarah Engelke   accessed 22/10/10
This also interests me because the fabric has been entirely designed for the chair, a bespoke suit if you like. The designer also photographed the process from start to finnish giving the piece its own unique history. 

In contrast, the facade is a play on what it isn't. The idea of being grander than what we are perhaps?

Chenhui Su accessed 21/10/10

This made me start thinking about how I could give inanimate objects identity crisises, where they have ideas above their station ie an arm chair thinking it is a throne...I love the idea of objects having personalities and them having issues like everyone else.

These wallpapers deal with both facade and they decribe their purpose which may help me when trying to phrase my research question.

"Our product dissolves limits between architecture, wallpaper and hangings, with the wallpaper functioning as sensitive go between. So it’s time to warp your room!"

It would be interesting to look at how to play with deception in regards to solving problems with space in urban cities. Koziel does this very well, I was very jealous looking at this website as it is right up my street, the theatre head boards I had planned have already been done by these guys which is very frustrating!


I have been thinking about how "spectacle" relates to design as it is relevant in my study of dramatic structure. I feel a spectacle is essentially an experience, whether that be through interaction or engaging the viewer emotionally. I then started thinking abut the idea of making wallpaper interactive and/or functional, I then came across this wallpaper - has everything been done?? The fold out gramaphone plays real music and the perfume bottle emmits real scent- amazing! This would also relate to space solving design...


I can see now how this may relate to what I said earlier about an inanimate object having a personality. What is it that draws people to collect and aquire? I'd like to look closer at the relationship between objects and people.

Even by touching on these three subjects lightly they are clearly starting to overlap. The biggest thing that keeps coming up for me is Experience. Phew  have at least narrowed it down to one subject therefore I am one step closer to my research question.

I would like to explore Experiential Design.

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